What is the IFFRU2020?

“The IFRRU 2020 consists of a financial instrument that mobilizes the appropriations approved by the Regional Operational Programs, the Continent and the Autonomous Regions, and the Operational Program Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources of PORTUGAL 2020, with the aim of revitalizing cities, support the physical revitalization of space dedicated to
disadvantaged communities and support energy efficiency in housing. The access to financing by the promoters of investments in the area of ​​urban rehabilitation, financing conditions appropriate to the circumstances and specificities of the projects and diversifying the supply of financing solutions under more favorable those available on the market. It is up to each municipality to define the territory in which the interventions to be supported will take place, from a targeting of support and planning of interventions in a coordinated way between public and private investments, and the designation of a specific focal point for IFRRU 2020 in each municipality, interlocutor of proximity and that allows to streamline the procedures. ”

Program benefits – Architecture news

Expenditure (including VAT) required to carry out the operation, including the following

a) Realization of studies, plans, projects, preparatory activities and advisory services directly related to the operation,
including the preparation of Economic and Financial Feasibility Studies or Cost-Benefit Analysis, when applicable;
b) Construction work and other engineering work;
c) Acquisition of equipment associated with the rehabilitation of the building (eg elevators, HVAC;
d) Supervision, coordination of security and technical assistance;
(e) testing and testing;
f) Price revisions resulting from the applicable legislation and the contract, up to a limit of 5% of the eligible value
of the work actually carried out;
g) Acquisition of services of execution of operation of land registry of the building or buildings in which the operation is affected,
including rental of equipment, after the entry into force of the diploma reforming the registration model building. ”

Sources: IFFRU2020