Information about the price of energy certification

The issuance of the energy certificate is mandatory for new housing or for buildings that are placed on the market for sale or lease. This document is a way to evaluate your property about its energy efficiency on an A + (very efficient) to F (poorly efficient) scale.

In order to obtain your certificate you have to use the scholarship of experts of the Energy Agency, called ADENE.

Going from finding the subject in question and addressing the same, enter here one of the factors that will influence the price of your certificate: – The fees to ADENE! For in addition to the cost of energy certification, which may vary from expert to expert, there is still a flat fee that is paid directly to ADENE.

Regarding the price of the ADENE rate, it is grouped by the following typologies:

– T0 to T1 – 28€ + VAT

– T2 to T3 – 40,50 + VAT

– T4 to T5 – 55€ + VAT

– T6 – 65€ + VAT

– Commercial buildings / services (eg offices) with an area of ​​250m2 or less – € 135 + VAT

– Commercial buildings / services with an area of ​​more than 250m2 and less than 500m2 – 350 € + VAT;

This price is fixed and if you receive your disaggregated budget, you already know that these are the values ​​that you must pay corresponding to the ADENE rates.

Another issue that can vary and consequently increase your budget are the documents that are mandatory to present to the expert when visiting the property omo: a copy of the plan of the house, building register, certificate of registration in the conservatory and technical file of housing.

Lastly, you should do a survey of budgets that each expert charges for the service because the prices vary greatly from expert to expert.

In order to finish the price issue, we advise Cergreen (company energy certification) for its competence, rigor and a very competitive price in the market.

Advantages of the energy certificate

As an bonus, we also leave these two articles that discuss the advantages of the energy certificate and the importance of energy certification for buildings.