Investment in Porto and Lisbon – Construction and architecture

Investment in Portugal

Investment in Portugal is becoming increasingly noticeable in large cities and in the most diverse sectors of investment. There are already several international news such as the French edition of the magazine forbes that states “Portugal is a new destination to invest” … But we do not need much, just walk a little by foot the main Portuguese cities (Porto and Lisbon) to “look to the side “and listen to different languages.

Of course, much is due to the strong growth of tourism, but on the other hand, Portugal has a young and qualified population, mild climate, good air access, support for entrepreneurship, unique cultural heritage in the world, a safe country and still has a gastronomy of great international quality.

In the architecture and construction sector, more specifically in the real estate sector, the news is also very encouraging. According to the observer newspaper, commercial real estate investment in Portugal, ignited the 1,900 million euros in 2017, about 50% more than the value recorded in the previous year.

In this sense, MJARC Architects will present its perspective for the sector construction and architecture.

Architecture and Construction – Perspectiva

The Region of Lisbon, Porto and Algarve are characterized by the existence of a historical, cultural and architectural heritage with unique characteristics of national and international value and projection. In recent years, actions to safeguard and enhance the architectural heritage have increased significantly and there have also been significant improvements in the allocation of cultural facilities.

We can see the emergence of sustained growth in a knowledge-based economy, supported by culture, where the segment of cultural industries should assume a preponderant role, generating undeniable opportunities for artists and professionals of the sector.

In short, synergies with different sectors, such as planning, construction, environment and culture, are essential.