Support Portugal 2020 — MJARC Arquitetos

Project Sheet

Project Name

INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS – Internationalization

Project Code

NORTE-02-0752-FEDER-025408 • NORTE-06-3560-FSE-025408

Main goal

Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs, especially with regard to internationalization.

Intervention region


Beneficiary Entity

MJARC- Arquitectos Associados, Lda

approval date

24 – 08 – 2017

start date

14 – 05 – 2017

date of the conclusion

13 – 05 – 2021

Total eligible cost

147.466,59 EUR


1.474,41 EUR

Financial support from the European Union

65.412,13 EUR

National/regional public financial support

Program objectives

Maintain the company’s activity in Portugal and from Porto to the rest of the world. Launch a line of furniture of your own design to complement your architectural activity.