Tag: Modern architecture


Modern Architecture – The 3 Reference Architects for MJARC

| geral@wevolved.com

The 3 Architects of Reference in Portuguese Architecture Arménio Losa e Cassiano Barbosa “OASRN and the City Council of Porto, CMP, launch, on November 29, Saturday, 10:00 am, at Café Ceuta, the architectural map / script of the Arménio Losa / Cassiano Barbosa atelier in the city of Porto. The screenplay features 24 works by […]

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The Impact of Geobiology on Architectural Constructions

| geral@wevolved.com

“Show me the place where you live and I’ll tell you what you do” What is Geobiology? Geobiology is the science that studies the natural energies coming from the Earth, and the artificial energies created by man. Geopathology is a term used to designate diseases caused by energies or radiations from the earth and these […]

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