It is part of the process of the human being to have some doubts during the life … One of which, and in which many people are faced, is when we arrive that moment that we have to choose a profession that we must exercise during the life. If you dream of becoming an architect one day, but you’re afraid, then you’re going to read the right article.

The team of professionals from MJARC Architects met and wanted to discuss this theme to try to help some people who may be in doubt …

Explanation and tips from the mjarc team

One of the immediate conclusions that we have reached is that for any profession there are advantages and disadvantages and architect is no exception. One of the first tips we have for you is: – “if you breathe architecture, if you are always focusing on us details or if you just like to differentiate yourself in all of your things; So you’re on the right path to becoming an architect!

As you know, the architect is the professional who projects spaces for all human beings to inhabit or move. Imagine only: “- you are going to produce works of art for other human beings to enjoy, that nobody can take away from you” … Of course next door of these numerous advantages, are always associated disadvantages because it is a profession with a lot of responsibility.

Continuing with the reasons for which you should consider as an integral part of following architecture, is that being an architect is a style because you must always be attentive to your environment. This means that you should always have a critical and observant phase to architectural materials or projects. This area may differ greatly across geographic areas, inspirations etc … but you are that you can define your own line and create “your works of art”.

Not wanting to get too enthused, let’s continue to talk about the main reasons why you might be an architect. Other of reasons is that throughout your professional life, your work will be developed by other teams in which you must coordinate and help. This experience is very enriching because you will be able to pass knowledge and learn together with others areas of expertise.

As a professional, you should also take advantage to travel a LOT as this will be how you will learn to find more solutions, beings more creative and more efficient. It is part of the learning process and it is through this know-how that you are going to innovative unique solutions to all customers.

Finally, you must think that each project you are going to be inserted in will be completely different from your previous project. That is, that you will always be learning and challenging yourself at the highest level. Being an architect, is being different, bold and critical –

“Think about it”.