Currently, many people choose to buy old buildings and then recover them, either for their own building for rent. However, what few people know is that there is support for rehabilitation and that, by opting for rehabilitation, we are contributing to the reduction of the environmental footprint.

The construction is one of the sectors with the greatest impacts. By applying the principles of sustainable construction in urban rehabilitation, we can reduce the environmental impact, the production of CO2 , construction waste and the impermeable area.

These are same principles will be reflected in the life cycle of the building, we managed to reduce resources in the construction phase (construction waste) and in the exploration phase (energy and water consumption). We can even reduce energy costs by applying passive solar technologies.

Therefore, when you think about recovering a building, you will be:
• Preserve existing heritage;
• Enjoy tax exemptions, benefits and discounts, saving money;
• Contribute to the reduction of new constructions that have negative impacts on nature.

Want to know more about this topic? Continue reading our article.

What are the conditions for accessing the IFRRU?
In order to have access to IFRRU 2020, the building must be located in Urban Rehabilitation Areas (ARU), that is, it must appear in territories defined in the following plans:

• Action Plan and Urban Rehabilitation (PARU);
• Urban Rehabilitation Area (ARU);
• Integrated Action Plan for Disadvantaged Communities (PAICD).

As for financing, all expenses related to urban rehabilitation works are covered, as well as those related to energy efficiency measures.
You can consult all the information on the official website of the IFRRU. In addition to this support, you can find out from your bank about other types of financing or support in order to apply for the one that is most beneficial to you.

The tax advantages of rehabilitating an old building

As we said before, rehabilitating an old house or building brings you some tax advantages. Here they are:

VAT (Value Added Tax)

In terms of VAT, urban rehabilitation works are taxed at a reduced rate of 6%. IMT (Municipal Tax on the Onerous Transfer of Property)
If you rehabilitate an old building, you will have exemptions from the IMT in the acquisition of real estate for rehabilitation interventions or in the first costly transfer following the rehabilitation.

IMI (Municipal Property Tax)

For three years, starting from the year of completion of the rehabilitation works (inclusive), it is exempt. It can be renewed for a further five years if the owner makes the request (applicable to properties allocated to leases for permanent housing or for own and permanent housing).

IRS (Individual Income Tax)

In terms of IRS, you will have the following benefits:
• Deduction from the collection of 30% of the charges borne by the owner with the costs of rehabilitation (maximum of 500 euros);
• Property income taxed at the rate of 5% after carrying out restoration works;
• Taxation of 5% on capital gains when they arise from the sale of properties subject to rehabilitation.


In terms of fees, you can enjoy some reductions, such as:
• Half of the fees due for assessing the state of conservation of the property;
• In the case of commercial buildings operating in rehabilitated buildings, 80% of the fees related to the occupation of the public road for three years;
• 80% of the fees for urbanization, construction and use in rehabilitation works;
• In the use and occupation of spaces in the municipal public domain, 80% to support building rehabilitation works, for the space and time strictly necessary.

In addition to the above, there is also total exemption for urban planning operations inherent to reconstruction, alteration, and conservation works carried out within the limits of the ARU, as well as with regard to the same type of intervention in legally classified buildings. In short, this could be an excellent option to invest, whether for your own home or to be able to diversify your sources of financial investment. So, if you are thinking of renovating an old house or building, ask us for a quote!

Note: you can consult and confirm all legal issues on government websites, namely on the Electronic Gazette (DRE) and on the Housing Portal. At any time, these state bodies will be able to update or modify the legal issues related to support for the rehabilitation of old houses. In addition, the information presented in this article does not exempt the consultation of local bodies, especially the City Council where you intend to carry out the work.

It is also added that this article serves only as a support guide, not dispensing with the consultation of legally qualified professionals to provide information on updated legal and legal frameworks related to the topic, namely accountants and lawyers.

VAT (Value Added Tax)

In terms of VAT, urban rehabilitation works are taxed at a reduced rate of 6%.

IMT (Municipal Tax on the Onerous Transfer of Properties)

If you rehabilitate an old building, you will have IMT exemptions on the acquisition of properties for rehabilitation interventions or on the first onerous transfer following rehabilitation.

IMI (Municipal Property Tax)

For three years, starting from the year in which the rehabilitation works were completed (inclusive), you are exempt. It can be renewed for another five years if the owner makes the request (applicable to properties used for renting for permanent housing or own permanent housing).

IRS (Personal Income Tax)

In terms of IRS, you will have the following benefits:

– Deduction from the collection of 30% of the charges borne by the owner for rehabilitation costs (maximum 500 euros);
– Property income taxed at the rate of 5% after carrying out restoration works;
– Taxation of 5% on capital gains when these arise from the sale of properties subject to rehabilitation.