Old houses have a unique historical and architectural heritage that sets them apart from modern homes. Did you know that by renovating and restoring an old building, you are also reducing your carbon footprint? This is because a lot of existing raw materials are used, while maintaining the original integrity of the building and helping to perpetuate its historic legacy.

Although it may seem simple, it’s important to bear in mind that rehabilitating old houses is a considerable challenge, as most of them have serious problems, often caused by rainwater infiltration, which sometimes damages structural and non-structural elements (woodwork, plaster, etc.).

In this sense, it is important to carry out a preliminary assessment of the state of conservation of the property, collecting as many elements as possible to enable us to make a diagnosis of the state of conservation of the building. Want to know more? So, continue reading the article.


What are the advantages of rehabilitating old houses? And disadvantages?

If you still have some reservations about renovating a building, find out what are the advantages of acquiring and rehabilitating it:

  1. Preservation of history: the rehabilitation of old houses makes it possible to preserve their history and original architecture, making it a cultural and historical landmark of the community;
  2. Reuse of old materials: when rebuilding an old house, it is possible to reuse materials from the time, such as wood, bricks and tiles, thus contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible project;
  3. Property with identity: the rehabilitation of old houses allows the preservation of its unique style and personality, making it a welcoming and unique building.

As for the disadvantages of rebuilding an old house, they include the structural problems that need to be solved before rebuilding, the project time (it usually takes longer to rehabilitate an old house than a new one) and the challenges during construction. .

However, it should be noted that, although apparently complex, the disadvantages of renovating old houses can be effectively overcome with the help of a competent and dedicated technical team.


Is there support for rehabilitation of old houses?

Currently, there are some credits intended for the reconstruction of old houses. However, there is yet another support: IFRRU 2020.

In short, IFRRU 2020 is support for the rehabilitation of old buildings, which consists of granting credit to support urban rehabilitation and revitalization projects, aimed at individual or collective entities, public or private.

This support covers:

  • Total rehabilitation of buildings 30 years old or more. If they are not 30 years old, they must demonstrate a conservation level equal to or less than 2, that is, bad or very bad;
  • Intervention in social housing buildings and public space;
  • Rehabilitation of spaces and/or abandoned industrial units.

In addition to these conditions, buildings undergoing intervention must be used for housing or to serve other economic activities, whether for collective use or not.


What should be taken into account when rebuilding an old house?

When rebuilding an old house, there are some important aspects to consider, such as:

  1. Preservation of the original architecture: it is important to preserve the appearance and integrity of the original architecture, including elements such as windows, doors, cladding or ceiling;
  2. Building material: appropriate building materials compatible with the original architecture must be used to ensure the integrity and durability of the structure;
  3. Foundations: it is crucial to check and, if necessary, reinforce the foundations of the house to guarantee its stability and security;
  4. Electrical and plumbing installations: it is necessary to update the electrical and plumbing installations to meet modern needs, without compromising the original character of the house;
  5. Thermal and acoustic insulation: it is important to ensure adequate thermal and acoustic insulation to guarantee the comfort and energy efficiency of the house;
  6. Respect for building standards: it must be ensured that the reconstruction of the house corresponds to local building standards and regulations.


5 Ideas to restore old houses

If you recently made the decision to invest in an old house with the intention of rehabilitating it, it is likely that you are looking for inspiration to achieve your goals..

To help you, we share some ideas for renovating your home:

  1. Preserve historic elements: keep original elements of the house, such as floors, windows, doors and coverings, to preserve its historical integrity;
  2. Reuse old materials: reuse old materials like wooden boards, bricks and tiles, apply them in new interior design projects to complement the original style of the house;
  3. Add Modern Spaces: Add modern spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms while maintaining the integrity and style of the old house;
  4. Create gardens: create green areas and gardens, such as a winter garden, to complement the beauty of the old house and have a peaceful space to relax;
  5. Adequate lighting: use natural light and artificial lighting to highlight architectural elements and create a welcoming atmosphere;

To ensure that you achieve a reconstruction that meets not only the legal requirements but also the budget for the house, collaboration with specialized professionals is strongly advised. In this context, the support of an architect is essential.


Are you looking for a solution to rehabilitate your old house?

Ask us for a quote and find out how we can help you rebuild your old house.