Tag: News

Architecture / Efficiency

Earthquakes in Portugal – Importance of architecture

| geral@wevolved.com

Seismic prevention. Importance of architecture and engineering Seismic prevention in Portugal It has been 263 years since the earthquake of great magnitude and violence shook Lisbon and the question remains: “Will Portugal be prepared to suffer another earthquake of great magnitude?” Well, the scientific community of architecture and engineering specialist maintains that Portugal remains unprepared […]

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The importance of the architect – Projects and Solutions

| geral@wevolved.com

What makes the Architect so important Architecture can be defined as the art of designing and organizing space. According to Vítruvio, the architecture is based on three fundamental principles: the beauty (Venustas), the construction (Firmitas) and the function (Utilitas). Architecture is an artistic component, involving several dimensions or areas of knowledge: a technical aspect, capable […]

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Architecture / Efficiency / Exteriors

Management of water resources – Architecture and engineering opinion

| geral@wevolved.com

Water resources in Portugal Concern for the environment, ecosystem and natural resources are pillars that MJARC Architects considers fundamental for a sustainable architecture. The absence between water resources and municipalities is in the on the basis of a number of incidents that endanger populations as well as sustainability of water resources so it is time […]

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Sustainable building – Advantages and benefits in architecture

| geral@wevolved.com

What are sustainable buildings? Sustainable construction or green building is a set of practices adopted before, during and after the project with clear objectives of not harming the environment, improving thermal comfort, reducing energy consumption and improving the quality of life with materials and techniques of energy efficiency. Processes to take into account in sustainable […]

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Christmas season at MAAT- Meet the Museum of Architecture.

| geral@wevolved.com

MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology The MAAT was inaugurated on October 4, 2016 and is considered as the new cultural proposal for the city of Lisbon. It is a museum that crosses the three areas in the same space and promises to be a national and international reference of culture. From its […]

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Douro Valley House – Project selected by Archdaily

| geral@wevolved.com

This work has the disposition of a couple to design a holiday home located in the Douro valley. The desire was simple and clear from the beginning: – to interfere with the minimum possible with a visual topography of this magnificent landscape. This complex program (couple, family, friends, summer, winter, weekend, long term) is solved […]

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Nordial Center / MJARC Architects – Project selected by Archdaily

| geral@wevolved.com

From the architect. The client expressed his intention from the beginning: to create a new concept of hemodialysis center with values ​​unique to his patients that, at the same time, did not look like a hospital. So, what should we do? “Elevators and interior corridors, flanked by a multitude of access doors to the rooms […]

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